Knitting Fla

Hello - This is Flavio. I love knitting! I would love to try sharing bits of my life and my thoughts. Lots of love! :)

viernes, octubre 02, 2009

Autumn hat for the cousine

Dear friends!

A cousine of mine promised me a chocolate cake if I made her a hat. Well, that was easy to satisfy! I bought a lovely skein and used half of it to do this. I hadn't knit in a long time, I have to say, unfortunately. But here it is. I will use the rest of the skein to do a matching little magic scarf. I am in Germany rehearsing an opera and had little time for myself, but I found a HUUUUGE shop of yarn and... wow. I couldn't resist. Also, the cousine's hat was a good excuse!

OK; this is super bulky yarn. The girl at the shop said 9mm needles... I thought it was going to be too "transparent", if you know what I mean. So, I did the border in rib 2x2 but than doubled yarn for the rest of the hat, and it worked very fine! Well, I hope it's going to be liked by the cousine! LOL!

See you soon! :)



Blogger Crazy Knitting Fool said...

Lovely hat. I agree with you - I would do almost anything for someone if they offered me a chocolate cake.

2/10/09 18:47  
Blogger Flavio83 said...

Thank you Kristyn!! :)

Yes, the cake will be a nice reward I think :) I will anyway do a matching magic scarf as well :)

3/10/09 00:50  
Blogger cybernekanekane said...

¿En Alemania ensayando una ópera? Yo cada vez que leo tu blog alucino, jejejejejeje. Un besote.

5/10/09 17:43  
Blogger Flavio83 said...

Holaaaa :)

Bueno, es lo que tiene la vida de cantante tejedor... ayyys!

Las agujas de 9mm son imponentes. Tendré que esconderlas bien en la maleta para que no piensen que soy un terrorista :D

5/10/09 19:33  
Blogger debolsillo said...

Hay un video en You Tube de Cat Bordhi montando los puntos para una moebius scarf (por si te decides por esta en vez de por la mágica)

14/10/09 01:34  
Blogger Flavio83 said...

Gracias Pau, voy a mirar! La bufanda ya está hecha, pero se la di a una niña adorable, así que el gorro se quedó solo y terminé la bola de 200gr. Además mejor así, porque con la lana que quedaba solo daba para una bufanda mágica no muy larga, mejor para una niña de 6 años.

Voy a mirar la Moebius!

14/10/09 08:58  
Blogger Mary Anne said...

What a beautiful hat and I love the added touch of the ribbon.

Chocolate cake sounds like a nice trade for a hat!

Good luck with your opera, Flavio.

17/10/09 04:13  
Blogger Flavio83 said...

Thanks Mary Anne!

I love to add ribbons always... :)

17/10/09 10:20  

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