Several things...
Today I found a fantastic marketplace stand with incredibly soft, thin silk (I presume) hanks. I have asked for the price and misunderstood. The woman said that with 100g I can do a scarf or something. I chose a fantastic mix of light blues... they are hand-dyed, hand made. When I had to pay, I was too ashamed to say no. It simply was my fault, I had misunderstood. It cost me 35CHF (28USD, 21EUR)... Now, the first thing will be: I hope I
'll be able to do balls out of the hank... if it all tangles up, it will be an (expensive) tragedy. What do you think?
Also, at the end of april I took the train to Italy to see my aunts and my grandmother. I took my knitting with me, in my big flower-tote... I was afraid people would laugh, but they didn't... they just looked a lot... although I must admit that the tote is not very... discreet. Oh well. Here I was with my 300g ball... gosh! :) I had troubles closing the zip. Maybe next time I'll travel with smaller balls. Good thing about train: no metal detector = knitting needles are OK! :)
Also, at the end of april I took the train to Italy to see my aunts and my grandmother. I took my knitting with me, in my big flower-tote... I was afraid people would laugh, but they didn't... they just looked a lot... although I must admit that the tote is not very... discreet. Oh well. Here I was with my 300g ball... gosh! :) I had troubles closing the zip. Maybe next time I'll travel with smaller balls. Good thing about train: no metal detector = knitting needles are OK! :)
That silk is lovely. You have 'hanks' that you are going to need to wind into balls. I would recommend getting a friend to help you hand wind it. I don't think I would brave using a swift and a ball-winder.
I don't think you paid too much (just maybe more than you were planning on spending) for the yarn. I bought 2 50-g hanks of similar silk and they cost me $29 U.S. plus tax ($31 or so). You can see my yarn on my blog (lambandfrog[dot]com). It's under the post titled 'Yarn You Know What'. I'm still debating whether to make socks or a scarf. I'm also debating whether to hand wind it or use the ball's really fine yarn.
Check with your local yarn shops to see if they have a swift and ball winder. If not, put the hank on the back of a chair and wind into a ball.
I wind hanks into balls with a winder all the time with out problems.
I've knitted while traveling on a plane, and I get people interested in what I'm doing.
That is some beautiful yarn... can't wait to see what you decide it will be :) another tip for you, with the silk, center pull balls are bound to explode, so use the yarn from the outside of the ball, in...
Hello there! Thank you everyone: I have corrected the post and have changed the word "skein" into "yank" :) I had a slip! :)
Can't wait to try to make it into balls although I am quite afraid. Thank you for the suggestions! :) Maybe a nice lacy scarf would be nice? I have never worked with such thin yarn!
Will keep you posted... :)
I would trust Charles (I'm guessing it's Charles from DarkInn Knits). Even though he lives in Las Vegas (smile) he's going to be a master knitter, so if he says you can wind that silk with a ball winder, do it (winding by hand is a drag). I may even get brave enough to wind mine with my 'vintage' ball winder.
Mmm.. I don't have a ball winder... will try with hand though! :)
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