Trellis Jacket: READY!
Oh my... it's done. I have had terribly busy days, that's why I have not posted this before. But yes, the Trellis jacket is, more or less, ready. Problems I have had: it was sooo slow to knit! Besides, I always get proportions wrong because gauge is
never exactly as in the pattern instructions. Plus, I left half the place for the armhole as asked for in the pattern. Result: I could not make the required sleeves, the armhole was too small. So, I just picked up stitches and did some very short sleeves... I hope they are not too bad... although one can really notice they are ... wrong. Well, anyway... It doesn't look too
bad anyway. The back is especially lovely, I think. Next time I make sure to have proper measuring... What do you think of it anyway? I hope you like it at least a bit ;)
That jacket is beautiful!!!!
your Trellis Jacket is so beautiful. What a lot of work it must have been. I can believe it would be difficult to get correct gauge on this. I think you've accomplished a lot of skills with this sweater.
Thank you so much! :) Love, FLa
OOOHHH! Those cables! Que linda (lindo?)!
Qué lindo ;)
Thank you so much Amber.
Wow, those cables were hard, yep...
Flavio, I'm a fellow Knitting Novice, and I've been reading your blog...
I hate to do this... and if this is the equivalent of a chain letter in the blog world, you don't have to do this at all. I'm supposed to tag seven people... check out my blog for more info... I'm tagging you.
Wow!! It's stunning. Pleased to meet you Flavio, I'm from BK!
Gràcies Pushka!!! :) Petonsss,
Quina feinada, però t'ha quedat genial. Quan acabes una feina tant laboriosa, m'encanta la sensació de satisfacció i relax que queda ... però immediatament un nou projecte que tens in mente comença a sorgir
Gràcies Carme! Una pena que les mànegues hagin quedat així, una mica "rares"... però bé... :) Els "vuits" han quedat molt bé :)
Fla :) (He començat una altra xaqueta... a veure si puc continuar, després del transllat)
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