Hats, hats, hats...
How are you? Here the weather is sooo cold, at least for what I have been used to in the last years... I have seen snow falling for the first time in many many years... and wow, it's chilly! Also, my computer died, but I have able to save, at leas
t, my knitting photos... argh. Well, I have been knitting a lot lately, because I had no computer... and I have been doing four hats. My brother, as I mentioned on list, wanted me to knit the Jayne Cobb hat. I found a lovely pattern on the Internet, and the friends from the Knitting Novices list also helped a lot with their advices. My first version is a bit too loose: one thread for rather big needles. Then, I discovered (thank you Fellow Novices!) that I could have double yarn from the same skein! Thus I was able to do a double-strand ve
rsion, which is much stabler and stronger. Also slightly bigger, which helps (my brother has a rather big head).
My parents also asked for hats. This is the first time I knit something for my parents or brother. I did a dark, plain stockinette hat, with a 2x2 ribbing edge for dad,
hope he likes it. For my mother, a rather colourful one (I had the remaining yarn from the baby sweater I did before Christmas...). I am afraid it is going to be slightly too short... Well... Let me know if you like them :) I am rather proud about the second version of the Jayne Cobb hat. Looks perfect, at least in my humble opinion!
Flavio :)
Your work is always so beautiful. Your brother and parents should be very honored.
Flavio: molts petons des de Barcelona, són molt bonics els teus barrets. Salutacions als teus pares i germà.
Com va per Suïssa? Aquí només hem tingut una setmana d'hivern de moment... De totes maneres jo recordo que un any així va nevar al març.
Thank you so much Karen!! :) Hope they'll like the hats!
Paulinaaa :) Moltíssimes gràcies. Aquí ha sigut molt extrany també i només va nevar la setmana passada... feia moooolts anys que no veia nevar, vivint a Castelló, però aquí... bufffff :)
I love your Jayne Cobb hat - great colours too! The hats for your mom and dad are really nice. Yay!
ps: it's cold here too. we had lots of snow abd I was very happy.
sorry to hear about your computer though - that is miserable.
Thanks Mary Anne! I am very excited about the stripe-sweater I am doing now... it's a slow process but it will be my biggest sweater ever, maybe for a children aged 4!
PS: I love your blog!
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