Rubén and his sweater and hat!
Dear friends,
Hello again from cold and expensive Switzerland! I have been missing home a lot when I received this photo from my dear friend Marián: her son Rubén, who is barely two months and a half old, with the lovely one-piece jacket that Allison helped me to complete (the pattern I found on the web was wrong: can you remember my suffering? ;) Click here to come back to the whole process.
Isn't he just SOOOOO lovely? I am so proud of what I knitted! And supposedly this was a problematic sweater (the hand-cuffs, the wrong ridge that I had to correct...) - it doesn't look so bad, doesn't it! And it was my first project WITH matching accessory! Wow :)
I hope you like the photo and the model ;) Congratulations Rubén! You are the cutest knitting-baby of the month! :-D
Isn't he just SOOOOO lovely? I am so proud of what I knitted! And supposedly this was a problematic sweater (the hand-cuffs, the wrong ridge that I had to correct...) - it doesn't look so bad, doesn't it! And it was my first project WITH matching accessory! Wow :)
I hope you like the photo and the model ;) Congratulations Rubén! You are the cutest knitting-baby of the month! :-D
It looks great! You are an inspiration with all your stories on knitting novices. :-) You keep me knitting!
What are you studying in Switzerland? Being there sounds so fun! I bet soon you'll have nice fires and hot cocoa and knitting!
Be well!
Kim in Tx
Hey Kim! Thank you! :)
Well, life here is a bit hard (everything is so expensive!!!) but I survive ;) I am studying Baroque Singing.
Wow that is neat! Tenor? How long will you be there? You must keep us posted because that is so neat!
Countertenor ;)
What a lovely outfit - and Ruben is gorgeous! Thank you for sharing. I hope life in Switzerland will be easier as the days go by.
You did a fabulous job, Flavio. How wonderful to have a picture of Ruben wearing it.
Thank you Karen and Mary Anne! Lots of love to both!
Flavio :)
PS: Yes, Rubén looks wonderful with the sweater! :) I am planning more outfits for him!
He arribat al teu blog mitjançant el ring de I love wool.
Com pots veure he arribat fins al primer post on deies que es podien posar comentaris en català (el llatí el tinc una mica rovellat ;-)).
El bebé es una monada i el conjunt que li has fet senzillament deliciós.
Bona estança a Suissa!
Ei, com va! Em fa moltíssima il·lusió que em facin comentaris en català, què bo! M'agrada molt el teu blog, puc posar un enllaç des d'aquí?
Gràcies una altra vegada :) A veure si Suïssa es fa menys cara.. però em sembla que no ;)
Es clar, jo t'enllaçaré al blog de labors (La República de mi Casa).
M'encanten les coses que teixeixes, tens molt bon gust. M'agradaria molt sentirte cantar, ¿no has pensat a gravar algo ( ho podries fer a través d'ODEO) i després penjar-ho al blog?.
Gràcies! Ho faré immediatament (estic fent el sopar... sí, es prompte, però és que això és Suïssa... hehe!) - pots sentir-me cantar a ;)
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