Knitting Fla

Hello - This is Flavio. I love knitting! I would love to try sharing bits of my life and my thoughts. Lots of love! :)

martes, enero 16, 2007

Glittery Orange Scarf and mini-hat!

Dear friends,

Here I am again! I have managed to knit some more... I had promised a dear friend at the school to knit a scarf in orange tones for her... here it is! I was too lazy to find a pattern, and I was a bit disappointed with a very slow zig-zag pattern which I had given up because it was too slow to knit... Now, for this scarf I just cast on an X number of stitches, with a border of 4 stitches in garter stitch and the rest in stockinette stitch. So easy! But... I had chosen a very strange yarn: sort of irregular, with lots of glittery threads going in and out... a bit difficult to work with. Well, I have been able to, eventually :) I also thought I'd made a little hat, but maybe it'll be too small for the head... I am always miscalculating the size of hats... I hate that :(

Anyway, the result is so niceee! I hope Armelle will like it :)

Do you like the colours? Unfortunately the camara has not been able to catch the colours are they are... it's much nicer "live" :)

Lots of love,


Blogger Mary Anne said...

beautiful warm colours in your hat & scarf! sometimes the simplest pattern is the best with a multi-coloured yarn and this looks really nice.

17/1/07 04:25  
Blogger Flavio83 said...

Thank you very much Mary Anne! :) I am enjoying your blog as always ;)


17/1/07 23:11  

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